Sound and public address for outdoor events

Planning an outdoor event?
We work with you to plan your public address, from equipment, sound coverage, power and safety, and management across a range of weather and site conditions.

Worry and stress-free public address
Working together with you, we can ensure that safety and safeguarding announcements are regularly made, so your audience is clear about what to do in an emergency.
We're part of your event team, and will work together to make sure your public address and sound support is an integral part of your successful event.

Great hosts for a great event
Our feedback from events shows that our hosting pays - in increased sales/funds and provides the 'glue' and the positive feeling for your event - to make them come back year after year.
We're happy to share our experiences, get in touch.
Herts County Sound Limited
- 4 Oaktree Cottages Amwell Hill Great Amwell Nr. Ware Herts SG12 9QX

A summer village fete
For one long-standing customer, we act as hosts for their event, promoting their fundraising activities, building interest and announcing contests and performers, and providing music to create a compelling atmosphere for the event.